All about me

I decided to add all about me into the portfolio because it’s so easy to read essays that are part of the course but you don’t get to know anything about the artist. I consider writing a form of art it’s a form of expression and sharing ideas just like art. 


My name is Giselly Fernandez I am currently 20 years old my birthday is May 4th, 2001. This is my first year in college soon to be a sophomore. A few things about me I love art my major is art education. I change my major a couple of times while attending City College from architecture, to early childhood education, and finally now art education (let’s see what other majors I change into). I am very family-oriented I am the youngest of three and have two amazing parents who Immigrated from the Dominican Republic to the United States at a very young age to give us the American dream.


Like most kids when young, I was never a fan of reading, writing, or grammar. Things don’t change after becoming an adult. When it came to math I always manage to give it my all it was always my favorite subject aside from recess. I actually wanted to be a math teacher but when I saw the amount of work I automatically change my mind. I’m also very lazy at the end of the day I’m a Taurus. I believe in horoscopes and zodiac signs I’m constantly reading into them.  So technically I do like to read but only when it intrigues me. I’m a hopeless romantic I can spend hours watching shows and movies. which can be a bad thing when I have essays and homework assignments to complete because I am the biggest procrastinator you will ever meet. I enjoy going out on long walks to the park or just spending time in nature. I love food, YouTube is my best friend I am constantly learning new recipes to create in the kitchen.

Now that you know a little bit about me hopefully now you can understand me and the way I write. Enjoy! lay back and grab a snack.


That’s pretty much all about me P.S. I left the picture so you can put a name to the face 🙂