Critical Analysis

The whole topic of abortion and whether religion should have a part in letting women choose whether to keep or terminate the pregnancy. Many third-world countries don’t give women the option to choose what can happen to their fetus. These countries have economic problems, overpopulation, and poverty. Not only do they have to deal with those problems but now women who have no option but to keep the unborn child are not only putting the kids to suffer but are also putting themselves. Under no circumstance are they having the ability to terminate pregnancy either for health or personal reasons. The country should have at least the option to terminate a pregnancy when it comes to life or death situations. Many mothers have complicated delivery in which the only way to save them is by ending the pregnancy. Are we really going to end two lives instead of one?  

I personally grew up in the Dominican Republic and I would see mothers who barely had money to feed themselves that would have kids. I never understood why a person would have a kid if they couldn’t financially provide for themselves. But later on, I grew up and everything made sense to me as to why so many women have had kids without being able to. The Dominican Republic does not separate church and state. All that means is that the government doesn’t maintain neutrality toward religion. We as humans have basic rights like an amendment that allows the freedom to practice any religion that a person chooses. By not letting women have their rights,  Not only does it affect them but it also affects the economy.  The Dominican Republic just allows ways for women to protect themselves from getting pregnant like the use of contraception like condoms, and pills the list keeps ongoing. The difference is that contraception stops the release of an egg from the ovary. It may prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg. The article”Abortion” Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2018  went over the different methods of abortion. The first one which is the most commonly known is surgical. It usually happens within the first trimester. “vacuum aspiration, which involves removing tissue from the uterus through a thin tube.”The way that the article described it as a vacuum suctioning the embryo. The other option involves medication in this case pills mifepristone and misoprostol taken together. The drug blocks the body’s natural production of progesterone, an essential pregnancy hormone. The patient then takes the second pill, misoprostol, two days later. This drug causes the uterus to contract and expel the embryo.” Having an abortion surgically is more effective than taking medication but both methods do work. The last point that the article goes over the Supreme Court case that legal abortions are a human right. In Roe v. Wade (1973), the US Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution protects a woman’s right to an abortion through the end of the first trimester or the twelfth week of pregnancy. This article has a big impact on my argument because not only are there two options to have an abortion but there are Supreme Court cases in the United States that support women and their right to terminate their pregnancy. The option to abort a pregnancy should be the choice of the mother whether it’s for a health purpose or she is not ready to be a mother. For whatever reason, it should be her option on what she believes is right for her but not having the government choose for her what happens. 

By not letting people have a safe abortion and letting them be legal in all countries and areas in the world.Is not stopping people from getting an abortion that just means that people are going to become smarter and create a way on how to get these abortions done.  Not only having an abortion illegal in which can cause a problem but it is also a problem because these so-called doctors or people who are performing these abortions are not being clean with it. There about 90,000 unsafe abortions just in the Dominican Republic alone. That isn’t the only country that doesn’t let women get abortions for health Purposes or  Personal reasons. Many women are being Incarcerated or even killed for the choice of getting an abortion illegal. Many of these women who do get an abortion are for reasons either they got raped or not having the financial stability to afford a child. The reason that the Dominican Republic has not legalized abortion is because of religious purposes. The president at the time Danilo Medina passed a law that abortion in cases of rape, incest, a deformed fetus, or when a woman’s life is in danger was approved by both him and the congress but the religious group felt that it was not right and Unconstitutional they must protect the rights of an unborn child at all costs. This is a key factor to my argument because it shows that the country wants to have abortions become legal. The reason that it has not become legal is that church and state are one group instead of being separate.  There is a reason why church and state are separated in the United States because many people follow different religions and at the end of the day, there isn’t one religion more Superior than the other. There is about 16% of the world who do not believe in any religion Which shows That there should be a separation. This is why there are so many children in the world that are homeless who live in the street who don’t have parents and as a result, are forced to live in adoption centers where half of the time these kids never get adopted because of their age and their race and the way they look. 

The topic of abortion is a very complicated topic to speak upon. people either love it and are for women having a choice. Or people are against it and believe that there shouldn’t be harmful towards a fetus. This is a very important topic not only to me but to many women in the world. I have always said that I would never want to have an abortion but that doesn’t mean that because I don’t want to have an abortion I don’t want other women to have the choice. there should be the Option if somebody feels not ready to step up to the field and become a parent most importantly a mother then they should not be forced. I know what you’re saying there are other ways to deal with the matter like adoption or giving it to somebody close in the family. The acts of giving up your child can be hard for many, it can actually be even harder than having an abortion. Once you are pregnant you go through many hormonal emotions and feel a connection to the child and if you give the baby to a loved one not only do you have to see the child but sometimes you’re not even able to tell him or her that you were the mother. There are many reality TV shows like Teen Mom and Teen Moms 2 where it takes the viewer through the life of a teen parent. Not only do you see the sacrifice that they go through but you also see the  Reality of those who stand by you at your hardest moments. Most of the time people are around them who either help them or most of the time leave them to figure it out on their own. They are obviously getting paid for being on television but some of these mothers live in poor and violent environments but their only way is to join a television show to make money and provide for their kids. The purpose of this show is to let teens know that if they do get pregnant it is not the end of the world. Reality TV shows are not as accurate as you think even though it is not a perfect life they still try to achieve as perfect as they can be. Meaning that they’re obviously not going to find a person who has a crazy life in which becomes too overwhelming it becomes bad publicity. Shows like this are misleading to teens who might get pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant and looking at shows like this is not helping many can’t relate. 

There are many stories of young women who have gotten pregnant and due to laws Prohibiting them from getting an abortion have ended their life of happiness and goals in their future.  Due to the government choosing to keep abortion Illegal. I actually found this video randomly on YouTube when I was doing another research paper for a different class and I had no idea that abortion was illegal in the Dominican Republic.  This documentary really breaks my heart because it wasn’t the girl’s choice to get cancer but it was her choice to get pregnant. It was something that she always wanted since she was a kid to become a mother. Her life ended as soon as she got pregnant because she had cancer and the only way to fight Cancer is to go under chemotherapy that can harm the child but can save her life. And even if she wasn’t able To conceive again she still has the option to live life and enjoy the goals that she has always envisioned. This video represents awareness to those other countries that have the same mindset. I don’t agree with abortion but when it comes to a medical reason abortion is something that has to happen to be able to save the life of a human. Not only is it killing a human being but it’s also putting women in danger who are having abortions illegally. We live in a different generation where not only do men have to go to work but also women have a responsibility to make money. Many cannot afford Expensive treatments especially when it involves a mother and an unborn child. Their only resolution for this problem is to have an abortion. The Dominican Republic has to change its ways of keeping the Church and state separate. This has a lot of meaning to me because not only did I live in the Dominican Republic and I feel that I am part of the country. As a woman, I would like to have the choice to pick what I would want to do with my child. Especially if I have a condition like cancer, not only can it kill me but also the life of the baby. I would rather have an abortion that can save me where I could get better and later in the future have a baby where I don’t have to worry if either or the baby is going to survive and having to put my family through the pain. 

  In conclusion, abortion should be a choice but only chosen by the woman who are pregnant not chosen by the government. The church manipulates and tells those in lower power that they do not have a choice to abort a pregnancy. But yet it is an amendment that was created by the government to give you freedom of religion and choice but when it comes to the choice of ending a life to save another is being taken away. The government has to understand and consider the life of those who are not in the right position to have a child. When it comes to health purposes there should be flexibility as to what can be considered a valid reason for having an abortion. Abortion shouldn’t be used as a method of protection but if the situation is too late to go with plan b or any other sort of contraceptive. They cannot afford to provide for a child; it is their choice. We all have choices and why should we take them away from anybody.